Your skin is your largest organ and it plays an important role in your health. Your skin acts as a protective barrier and helps to keep your body temperature stable.But despite its role as a barrier, what we put on our skin can be absorbed by the body and enter our blood. So knowing that our bodies absorb the skin care products we use, it’s important to be very aware of the chemicals found in many conventional soaps, lotions and makeup. In tomorrow's blog we'll tell you more about these toxic ingredients to avoid including phthalates, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, and propylene glycol.
(We give this advice daily so this is a much-needed repost from January.)
We've all heard that it's the thought that counts so we don't feel too badly about buying the wrong gift. Well, funny thing is that those same thoughts can help you choose the perfect gift.
Think about what the person talks about regularly. Where do they like to shop? What's their favorite food or color? Do they like dark or milk chocolate?
These little details help you to narrow down gift choices and help you select a gift that your recipient will genuinely enjoy and appreciate.
Well, it’s not as hard as you think. Simple changes to your daily routine can make a huge impact… especially if millions of people are making the same effort to change their behavior.
So here are a three reminders of those small changes you can make everyday:
Unplug your electronics.
Don’t just power off. Energy is still being used if it’s ,attached to an electrical outlet. Consider attaching electronics to a surge protector and simply switch the surge protector off when you leave the house.
Use a reusable water bottle.
Even though many people make the effort to recycle plastic water bottles, the manufacturing and recycling processes consume a large amount of energy. So instead of buying plastic, invest in a reusable glass, stainless steel, or a BPA- free water bottle.
Bring your own bags to the grocery store.
Just like reusable water bottles, reusable grocery bags are great for the environment. Next trip to the market, try bringing your own washable, reusable plastic or cloth bag.